Student Portrait

My name is Sandi, and my life has always been challenging due to family problems. When I was younger, our family business did not do well, and we ended up with a lot of debts.

Due to our lack of business experience, we eventually had to stop operating the business. Even today, lenders occasionally show up at our house to demand repayments, and some have even threatened to sue us.

This situation has affected all of us, including my younger brothers. In school, some students made fun of us because of our parents, and we were bullied for being poor. Since then, I have aspired to receive an education and be successful in life, and I have resolved not to give up until I achieve my goals.

I believe that education is the key to changing my life. Through the challenges I’ve faced and the experiences I gained working as a cleaner, a food delivery staff, a volunteer, and a teacher, I have grown stronger and more independent.

Four years ago, I failed the matriculation exam and knew that my family could not support me for another year. However, I refused to give up and searched for ways to continue my education. In 2018, I moved to Mae Sot, Thailand, where I was able to join Minmahaw Post-Secondary School, a competitive migrant school that provides a unique education to displaced students from Myanmar.

Later, I enrolled in the GED program at BEAM Education Foundation in Chiang Mai. Despite the impacts of COVID-19, I attended GED classes virtually in Myanmar and graduated in 2021. After completing the GED program, I decided to study Humanities and Sustainability (BAHS) at Chiang Mai University (CMU) in Thailand.

 About Sandi

  • Age: 23
  • Ethnicity: Burmese, Chinese
  • Country: Myanmar

 School & Program

  • Chiang Mai University
  • Bachelor’s, Humanities & Sustainability
  • 3rd Year in Program

Goals & Dreams

  • Lead a non-governmental organization
  • Travel to Italy and Switzerland

 Loan Details

  • Loan Amount: $5,650
  • Amount Left To Fund: $3,850
  • Contract Duration: 12 years
  • Status: In School
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What Others Are Saying About Sandi

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At CMU, I hope to gain a broader historical perspective on the world. I enjoy engaging in projects, collaborating with others, volunteering, and participating in community service activities. The skills and knowledge I acquire through the BAHS program will help me understand contemporary globalization, such as social, cultural, and political changes, and equip me to respond to humanitarian crises in the world.

After graduation, my aim is to work for an NGO because doing so will enhance my leadership skills and provide networking opportunities. This will boost my confidence and prepare me to become an effective leader in my community. Ultimately, I aspire to actively contribute to the advancement of humankind as a whole.

Written by Sandi with editing assistance from Zomia’s volunteer editors.



“After graduation, my aim is to work for an NGO because doing so will enhance my leadership skills and provide networking opportunities. This will boost my confidence and prepare me to become an effective leader in my community. Ultimately, I aspire to actively contribute to the advancement of humankind as a whole.”

Q&A With Sandi

Survey Fun

What is your favorite memory?
Family gathering time and shopping with best friends
How would your friends describe you?
Straightforward, bright, compassionate
What is the one thing that isn’t taught in school but should be?
Human rights and mental health
What is/was your favorite subject in school?
What skill or ability do you most wish you had (but lack today)?
If you could do anything you wanted now, what would it be?
Get a good part-time job (which is suitable for a university student)
Where would you most like to travel?
Switzerland and Italy
What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?
Tea-leaf salad and fried egg
What’s your dream job?
Working as a NGO director
If you won $1 million in a lottery, how would you spend it?
I would firstly give some money to my parents, donate to the orphans, homeless and displaced people, and save money for my education.

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