Introducing Student Reports
We’re excited to announce the release of Student Reports, an automated update Zomia lenders will receive about their students’ progress in school. Here’s what you need to know:
What is Student Reports?
This is an update lenders will receive from students they support twice per year via e-mail. The report features students’ most recent grades and a brief personal message.
How does it work?
Students have always reported their grades to Zomia at the end of each term. Grades don’t tell the whole story, but they are a good indicator of how a student is doing in school. And now, with Student Reports, lenders will also know at a high-level how their students are progressing through school.
Who receives them?
Zomia lenders who have supported students who are currently enrolled in school will receive Student Reports. To protect student privacy, grades will not be publicly available on the website. The inaugural release of the update is on Friday, February 2, 2018. Future updates will be sent at the end of each term. Based on most schools’ academic schedules, this will likely occur in late January and September.
Why is this significant?
For years, lenders have told us they want updates on the students they support. Student Reports marks a major step towards delivering on that request, making indicators of progress like grades more accessible to supporters. Moving forward, whether a lender supports 1 student or 1,000, they be in the loop with the students’ progress through school. Cheers to a more informed lender experience!
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